
Here there be writings of all kinds, but mostly my own thoughts and ramblings about art, sketches, video games, animation, and design.

The Great Wall of Tina

Such a majestic cat as Tina Turner deserves tribute! That’s why I’ve been commissioning people for artwork of her over the years! Let’s highlight the ones I have so far: To start, of course, the big colorful one on the left is the one I painted of her a few years ago! It was a […]

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Why I Became an Ordained Minister!

It’s true — and it’s incredibly easy, to start. You see, for a while here in Tennessee, things were looking bleak for us queers. (And they still are, not gonna lie — conservatives are obsessed with us.) As usually, it’s doubly so for us Black queers. There came with this some buzz about people being […]

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Yoga Isn’t a Cure; It’s Therapy

And we need whatever we can get in this world. Yoga is aged, accessible, and therapeutic. I started yoga for the simple reason of wanting to touch my toes, since I had never been able to in the 20-something years it had been when I started. (Besides that, I was also physically miserable from doing […]

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Personal Website!

I have a personal hub for my online sillies, and it looks something like this! Each section, when clicked, expands full-page to display different info and links. Because I don’t need Carrds! I can make my own! It’s also an experiment with texture and contrast in web design, which is an ongoing challenge with regards […]

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Sketchy Sunday: Oooold Favs

Not all of my old art makes me cringe. In fact, I’m fond of a lot of it — for the mere fact that I used to thrive with such unfettered creativity. Bad or not, I would create art without any hesitation when I was younger, and it was generally a great feeling, one that […]

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Adventures in Autism ~Autistic Reflections~ Volume 1

A long time ago, in Algebra II — the same year that 9/11 happened — I curiously asked my teacher a question without any hint of malice: “Why don’t you teach everything in the book? Why only bits and pieces?” What I was wondering was why we didn’t go through the entire book sequentially. The […]

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