Tag Archives: fridays

Photo Friday: BIPOC Vampire Day 2021

Ọkàn was a mess as a human, and now they’re a messy vampire, too.

Photo(shop) Friday: Cats, Volume 1

I’m in a cat Photoshop group on FB, and I decided to have some quick fun with the cat pics I’ve seen that are both 1) easy to ‘shop and 2) incredibly funny to me. Here are the results so far…

Photo Friday: Black Fae Day, the First (at the Frist)

If you’re cool, you may have clued into a new meme/day/event(?) that happened on May 8th, started by @maximilli_lo — Black Fae Day! To quote their tweet from a few months back: #BlackFaeDay is inspired by pictures I saw of Kenji K (@flowersfromkenji on Instagram). I was still on the high of #28DaysofBlackCosplay and Brandy’s […]