Tag Archives: day

Photo Friday: Black Fae Day, the First (at the Frist)

If you’re cool, you may have clued into a new meme/day/event(?) that happened on May 8th, started by @maximilli_lo — Black Fae Day! To quote their tweet from a few months back: #BlackFaeDay is inspired by pictures I saw of Kenji K (@flowersfromkenji on Instagram). I was still on the high of #28DaysofBlackCosplay and Brandy’s […]

Photo Friday: Many Moons

I’ve taken to taking photos of the moon when it’s nearing being full. I particularly love partial views of it against the blue sky. I took the photo above last month. This one, however, was taken earlier this week: …when it was slightly darker and mistier out. It’s starting to get dark earlier, already… I’m […]