Video Gaming

I have highly specific video game interests.

Ignis Scientia Promare

2020, Clip Studio Paint. Spoilers for Final Fantasy XV: Ignis makes a sudden sacrifice in order to save the Prince of Lucis. The sacrifice takes his eyes in purple flame. I thought of drawing Ignis with the Promare flame. In the anime film Promare, people suddenly come down with a mutation that causes them to burn […]

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Undertale’s First Birthday

UNDERTALE came out over a year ago. Can you believe it? It still feels like just yesterday when it burst onto the scene in non-violent glory. I’m so glad that many people ended up loving this game — it even made the local anime convention more fun than usual earlier this year.

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#SGDQ2016: Drawings Done Quick

This year’s record-breaking Summer Games Done Quick charity game marathon was very fun and a huge success! I’m grateful to the runners, volunteers, staff, supporters, viewers, and especially the tech crew that made things run very smoothly the whole way through. It was pretty amazing and unique! There was everything: heartwarming moments, complete AM breakdowns, […]

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#ILUJam: All My Bowies

In a month, using various free and available resources, I made this game to familiarize myself with the visual novel making process and have a bit of fun! This was made for International Love Ultimatum 2: Romantic Boogaloo! Make sure to check out the other games! Have you ever wanted to date a Bowie? Well… […]

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AGDQ 2016 Quick Draws

This month, Awesome Games Done Quick managed to raised another $1.2m for the Prevent Cancer Foundation over the course of a week. I again blew out my ISP’s data limit watching it for most of the week, and it was well worth it. What a way to start off the year! I was feeling pretty […]

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Klonoa of the Wind & Kirby of the Stars

  A quick color test I did of these cute heroes. Kirby and Klonoa, as series, are very similar to each other. Their games are among my favorites, close to my heart and very good besides, each with their own unique design and gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, it feels as if Klonoa’s time is over; although I’d […]

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