Tag Archives: fun

Summer Games Done Quick 2024: Dogs Should Be Allowed to Play Baseball

They said it couldn’t be done, maybe even that it shouldn’t be done — but dogs can play baseball!! Not only that, they can speedrun it, as one such shiba inu did at this past Summer Games Done Quick 2024, a charity marathon benefiting Doctors Without Borders! Peanut Butter, who previously did a remote speedrun […]

Infinite Craft: First Discoveries

Infinite Craft screenshots of first discoveries: Octodad Dadliest Snow, Hobey, Hobey-Wan Kenobi, Glitter Fruit, Prince Fruit Salad, Drunken Were-oven, Bio-Piranha Dracula, James Owlward, James Wrought, Crimea River Garp, Owllax, Taco-pork Pie, and Super Dada Pikachu

I’m addicted to crafting in games, which is why I have to be choosy about the ones I play. Infinite Craft toes the line between “something I spend too much time on” and “what am I doing with my life”. Fortunately the urge to just mess around with this all day was quickly quelled. Here […]

Stickers at Kupocon 2019!

I already can’t remember enough to tell you about this awesome trip. Momentous as my first solo trip, as well as my first trip to the northern US (and specifically New Jersey/New York), my trip to Kupocon: The Bigger Pom was a fun weekend full of meetings, reunions, and Final Fantasy!

One Really Good Shot: Waluigi, Unraveled

Directed by Polygon
Edited by Clayton Ashley

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#ILUJam: All My Bowies

In a month, using various free and available resources, I made this game to familiarize myself with the visual novel making process and have a bit of fun! This was made for International Love Ultimatum 2: Romantic Boogaloo! Make sure to check out the other games! Have you ever wanted to date a Bowie? Well… […]

I Love Avatar Image Generators

It’s true. Though most of what I love about them lies in exploring their limitations regarding hair that looks like my actual IRL hair, and skintones. The usual prognosis? Not good. Big, curly hair in particular, and even short hair for women, seems not to be favored by a lot of artists that make these things. But […]


I can’t stop clicking through the seemingly infinite nested universes within this site.

The only thing stopping me is the functional inability to continue reading once I’ve gone so far…in a single nest. Once they add vertical scrolling, there’ll be literally nothing stopping me or anybody else.

The minimalist suggestions of worldbuilding with the surprising depth of each nest is what gets me. Even with the time I’ve spent on it, there’s yet more to discover.


Tuxedo Groove

2014, Paint Tool Sai, Photoshop. This was drawn for The Tribute Album: A TJ & Amal Fanbook. The book, compiled by Kori Michele, is a loving tribute to TJ and Amal by over 60 artists. I had a lot of fun with this. Really into the swing! With the source material being so musical, there are also a […]