Tag Archives: videos


Just what is it about this video that amuses me the most? Is it the constant gyration, or is it the phone number mostly consisting of 666’s at the end? Or is it something I’m not even conscious of as of yet? Whatever it is, well, I wanted to share.

Muscle March: Catch the Imp!

You know that game Muscle March that I posted about earlier? Well, I finally remembered to buy it. It’s just as challenging as I thought it would be, with a dash of “oh gawd” near the third parts of stages.

I’m mainly making this entry because there’s a hot pink kappa in the village stage, which amuses me to no end:

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Top 7 Japanese Independent Short Animations

Yes! My personal Top 7. Why 7? Because it’s lucky!

I’m a great fan of short things; short stories, short animations. They’re all opportunities to show a powerfully concise moving, touching, or just plain funny story. They require a special kind of skill to execute, and all the better when they’re visually unique!

I won’t say too much about each of these animations, or else I would be spoiling them. Needless to say, they mostly speak for themselves.

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Moment of Peace

Need some cheering up today? A moment of calm and serenity amid the rush of life?

Enjoy your happy.

Kousuke Sugimoto Animation

How did I ever live not knowing that this man existed?

As I attempt to immerse myself in more independent short animation, things like this continually restore my love for the art. Restooore!

I can’t stop watching this now…

See also:

Muscle March Marches Our Way

Remember that wacky Wii game full of fun and muscles that popped up earlier this year? Well, my dreams have come true: it’s coming to the US’s WiiWare next year.

Here, have some English trailer:

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KeyHoleTV: Now in More Flavors

KeyHole TV is a great resource for both the bored and the learning. I discovered it sometime last year, but I forgot how. It is a program with which you can watch live TV streaming from Japan!

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Wolverine, the Redneck Mullet-Bearing Bishounen

As someone on a forum I go to put it. See for yourself:

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