Tag Archives: links

New Category: Cosplay!

A mashup of images of me dressed like Lup from The Adventure Zone, a pink Splatoon Inkling, and Ichimatsu Matsuno

New year, new category! I recently realized that, while I’ve made posts for things like Black Fae Day and BIPOC Vampire Day, I don’t have a collection of cosplay pics on here… Until now! View the Cosplay Archives! In general, I tend towards “closet cosplay” that mostly consists of clothes I already wear. It’s like […]

Intense Kirby Medley

I found this huge medley of Kirby music while looking for something on YouTube. All the various tunes from the Dark Matter trilogy are ordered in a way that makes them flow right into one another perfectly! The Kirby games have some of my favorite traditional video game soundtracks overall, and I’ve admired them since I was a kid. Please give it a listen! I like to start my day with it sometimes.


I can’t stop clicking through the seemingly infinite nested universes within this site.

The only thing stopping me is the functional inability to continue reading once I’ve gone so far…in a single nest. Once they add vertical scrolling, there’ll be literally nothing stopping me or anybody else.

The minimalist suggestions of worldbuilding with the surprising depth of each nest is what gets me. Even with the time I’ve spent on it, there’s yet more to discover.


Sewing and Embroidery Warehouse: Troubleshooting Page

I’ve been trying to figure out if this web page is part of some kind of troll site for quite some time now. Everything about the site, from the bad-even-for-old-websites layout to the repetition of images, makes it seem supremely unusual. But that page in particular is bizarre in any context. The problem stems from accidentally nested H3 elements […]

Yule Love These Burning Log Videos

‘Tis the season for watching endless videos of logs burning! My typical go-to is the somewhat painful* yet still mesmerizing yule log book burning on the Colbert Report’s Christmas special DVD, but the internet has rushed to meet instant demand with a lot of equally desirable options, the most popular of which this year is Li’l Bub’s Yule Log video.

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A great, quick resource for those little quirks in HTML and CSS that you never quite get over. “Vertically adjacent margins collapse” is good to remember.

About Me

I joined this social media website called about.me not too long ago. I still don’t really “get it” (it turns out that social media that isn’t Twitter eludes me completely — it might be my tendency toward quietness, and maybe I should develop a Game Plan with it), but there must be something to it: […]

Japanese-Inspired Fonts

I’m very picky about fonts in general. I think rather than being a connoisseur I’m just straight-up snobbish at this point, picking at what fonts are used in mediums such as comics (even professionally-lettered comics) or on the sides of trucks, but I try to make something good out of that snobbery nonetheless. Like many […]