Tag Archives: japanese

Japanese-Inspired Fonts

I’m very picky about fonts in general. I think rather than being a connoisseur I’m just straight-up snobbish at this point, picking at what fonts are used in mediums such as comics (even professionally-lettered comics) or on the sides of trucks, but I try to make something good out of that snobbery nonetheless. Like many […]


Meta Knight from the Kirby series

This post was originally written by my good friend, Carolyn Neely! Hiya guys! I’m Carolyn, and I suck at introductions! So now that that’s out of the way, I’m going to talk about bento. Specifically, kyaraben (or charaben), which is short for ‘character bento.’ This is a style of bento box where the ingredients are elaborately arranged […]


Since it’s Music Month here at Nippon-Ichigo, I’ll make some more music-oriented posts. Like this news that burst onto the internet a couple days ago: Quaff, the band which I posted about earlier this year, is basically getting made-over! Makito, the band’s guitarist and leader, announced via Myspace, Twitter, and Facebook that all the current […]

Japanese Bar Codes

I like to see practical things with a creative/cute design spin. I was going through the backlog of one of my favorite websites and saw these adorable Japanese barcode designs, created by Japanese design company D-Barcode: What a cool way to enhance such a common thing! My favorites are umbrella-related!

Yokai: The Kappa

Although I didn’t like it very much at first, the kappa has quickly become one of my favorite mythical creatures. What is it that I like about them? Is it the fact that there are many different interpretations of them historically, or that they can be downright adorable in modern depictions? Or maybe it’s just […]

Top 7 Japanese Independent Short Animations

Yes! My personal Top 7. Why 7? Because it’s lucky!

I’m a great fan of short things; short stories, short animations. They’re all opportunities to show a powerfully concise moving, touching, or just plain funny story. They require a special kind of skill to execute, and all the better when they’re visually unique!

I won’t say too much about each of these animations, or else I would be spoiling them. Needless to say, they mostly speak for themselves.

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Kousuke Sugimoto Animation

How did I ever live not knowing that this man existed?

As I attempt to immerse myself in more independent short animation, things like this continually restore my love for the art. Restooore!

I can’t stop watching this now…

See also: