Tag Archives: games

Buy Something, Will Ya!

I thought I’d take a moment to mention some of the places where you can buy my stuff! It’s all under Shop in the top menu, replacing “Stuff” from a while back — the resources and tutorials that used to be linked there are now under “Blog”. Currently, my offerings are spread through a few […]

#ILUJam: All My Bowies

In a month, using various free and available resources, I made this game to familiarize myself with the visual novel making process and have a bit of fun! This was made for International Love Ultimatum 2: Romantic Boogaloo! Make sure to check out the other games! Have you ever wanted to date a Bowie? Well… […]

Concept Logo: Legend Industries

I had an idea while messing around with my Smash Bros. Fighting Polygon Team vector art. I thought the head for the Ness Polygon fighter had a cool, iconic shape, so I adjusted it as the symbol for a logo. With such a strong appearance, you’d almost think that head was Link’s, wouldn’t you? You […]

The Mario Violinist (and More Mario)

You should know, I’m on a real Mario kick right now. With the recent release of Super Mario Galaxy 2, not to mention E3 with all the other great returning classic platform heroes, I just want to play video games all day. But such desires of the id are played down and subdued, only to be lived out in my fantasies while I watch video game related media at work.

(Nah, I’m working, honestly… with a little peep here and there.)

So anyway, I got a real kick out of this:

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Muscle March: Catch the Imp!

You know that game Muscle March that I posted about earlier? Well, I finally remembered to buy it. It’s just as challenging as I thought it would be, with a dash of “oh gawd” near the third parts of stages.

I’m mainly making this entry because there’s a hot pink kappa in the village stage, which amuses me to no end:

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Muscle March Marches Our Way

Remember that wacky Wii game full of fun and muscles that popped up earlier this year? Well, my dreams have come true: it’s coming to the US’s WiiWare next year.

Here, have some English trailer:

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