Tag Archives: 2010

Web Catalog 2010

Several years back, I quickly developed ten wireframe web layouts for use where I worked, the basis of corporate and other soon-to-be. The company’s sudden closure meant that these would never be utilized by them, but then I put them to use: they have served as the basis for WordPress themes I am developing, including […]

Studio Ghibli Could Close!

At least, that’s what I just heard. Pending the success of the American release of its next film, Arietty the Borrower, they could keep going, or they could tank. As one of my favorite animation studios, this could be a tragedy! I want to see Studio Ghibli stand firm and produce classic feature animations long […]

Who is Responsible for This?

11″x14″ ink on bristol board. Pinup artwork auctioned to raise funds for charitable purposes following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010.