WALL STREET — The inevitable, nay unfortunate, results of socialism in America have become apparent, as day after day, more and more billionaires have been found forming encampments on the fringes of society. Forced to finally participate at all in human civilization alongside the non-super-rich, their social skills are not quite up to par with […]
View ItemThe Garlic
The Garlic: Executive Branch Orders All Federal References to “Black”, “African American”, etc. be Replaced by “N*gger”
WASHINGTON — In an effort to renege on all the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives of the past half-decade, the current administration has also passed internal orders to all federal agencies to change all instances of words such as “African American” to the infamous N-word. “Why bother hiding anymore?” a line from a leaked internal […]
View ItemThe Garlic: World’s First AAAA Game Has Live Sweat, Still Clipping Through Corners of Wall
ELSEWEYR – Triple-A games have now reached a graphical fidelity beyond human perception — some would even call them Quadruple-A! Such graphical advancements across large-scale video games make modern games look so realistic, as long as you’re not actually playing them in real time. A lack of CPU intelligence development in favor of this flashy […]
View ItemThe Garlic: Shitty Old Man Commits to the Bit
EARTH – Really? Is this the best we can do?? They say the cream always rises to the top. You know what also forms on top? Mold. But that’s only the visual manifestation of a much deeper network of gross, rotten fungus in your formerly decent tub of yogurt. The political establishment recently has really […]
View ItemThe Garlic: New Campaign Aims to Convince Corporations, Senators That Palestinian Lives Great for Bottom Line
Or, “I just don’t know how to make you care about Brown people.” WORLD – Two-hundred and sixty-nine days into genocidal conflict, the reasons for which obvious to any compassionate soul, the world’s top marketers have finally come together to brainstorm the perfect ad campaign to promote peace and a ceasefire.
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