
Here there be writings of all kinds, but mostly my own thoughts and ramblings about art, sketches, video games, animation, and design.

Designing 3D Spaces: Valentin’s Apartment

For an upcoming comic project, there are a lot of interior scenes that take place inside of an apartment. Nobody but the especially mathematically inclined enjoy drawing interior scenes in a comic over and over at different angles in their free time. So, after getting this idea from another webcomic artist, I created a 3D […]

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I can’t stop clicking through the seemingly infinite nested universes within this site.

The only thing stopping me is the functional inability to continue reading once I’ve gone so far…in a single nest. Once they add vertical scrolling, there’ll be literally nothing stopping me or anybody else.

The minimalist suggestions of worldbuilding with the surprising depth of each nest is what gets me. Even with the time I’ve spent on it, there’s yet more to discover.


Content Migration & Editing

Between 2011 and 2017, I did content migration with HCA Healthcare’s Web and Social Media Product Development team and TriStar division. This has involved moving website content – text, images, widgets, etc. – from old content management systems to new, and then from old web implementations on the system to new hosts, using design guidelines […]

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Concept Logo: Legend Industries

I had an idea while messing around with my Smash Bros. Fighting Polygon Team vector art. I thought the head for the Ness Polygon fighter had a cool, iconic shape, so I adjusted it as the symbol for a logo. With such a strong appearance, you’d almost think that head was Link’s, wouldn’t you? You […]

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Much-Needed Updates

Hey, I’ve finally updated again. Isn’t that something? I went quiet for a while here, but I’m back now! I even published an old post I’ve had in waiting since last year. I’ll have some work to show every month, be it idle drawing, blog post, or full-on project. I’ve also made some updates to […]

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Slow and Steady

Hey! It’s been quiet here for a little while. I just sort of cooled off after a nice, quick trip to Canada in May. I had originally started this post when I launched this website last year and meant to post it earlier this year. It’s still relevant now: Things always go a little slowly for […]

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