What You’ll Find Here (and What You Won’t)

I thought it might be worth clarifying what I want to do with this blog! After having this URL for nearly 20 years!!!

So, while this isn’t my official portfolio website, I do post my work here in a portfolio section. I also post more casual works as part of the blog itself! This includes:

  • Art
  • Web designs (less these days)
  • Writings (rare, though I do write a lot; I tend to keep it under lock and key)
  • Ramblings (more soon)
  • Stuff about video games
  • And basically whatever I feel like.

It’s a true, varietous display of my varying talents! And it’s a place I have total control over, algorithms and monetization be damned. I’m tired of being the product of every free social media platform’s marketing campaigns! That’s why I will always have my own websites.


I also have a few series of posts, such as:

  • Adventures in Autism
  • The Garlic
  • Nippon-Ichigo

You Won’t Find…

What you will NEVER find on this blog, unless something absolutely bizarre happens (this life is unpredictable):

  • Sponsored posts (as if)
  • Guest posts
  • Journalism (I try to cite sources, but I am not a journalist!)

With that said, I hope your expectations here are met, and that you have a good time browsing!

Designer, artist, author, comic enthusiast, and geek about visual design/video games/Japan/human rights. Among other things!

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