The Garlic: Shitty Old Man Commits to the Bit

EARTH – Really? Is this the best we can do??

They say the cream always rises to the top. You know what also forms on top? Mold. But that’s only the visual manifestation of a much deeper network of gross, rotten fungus in your formerly decent tub of yogurt.

The political establishment recently has really summed up the entirety of politics for the duration of my almost-40-year life by doing this “the opposition will be king if he’s reelected” thing. There’s literally no other reason to vote for Joseph Biden but to stop this from happening, and maybe age will finally take its course and claim one or both shambling corpses in the interim. Or maybe it won’t, with the natural, impartial flow of nature spitting directly in the faces of the likes of greats such as Anthony Bourdain, Chadwick Boseman, and Aaliyah.
We got no plans for long-term, though. None. No real, sustainable American alternatives short of a (non-branded, non-LLC, completely offline) revolution, huh? Nothing better, nothing actively invested in a livable future for the human race. It’s all been damage reduction since before I was old enough to vote, but the damage the US has inflicted on the Middle East and global south even just in my time has consistently been horrible nonetheless. So, who’s getting the reduced damage? When will this start mattering to centrists?

And let’s say they win their short-term battle. What about 2029? What about 2033? What about-

What about someone who cares about serving the populace rather than maintaining an empire? Just kidding! We’ve never had that.

EDIT: Update – he has uncommitted from the bit. Unfortunately, he was unilaterally replaced with a cop, which, as you may know, are not actually obligated to serve and protect you.


Designer, artist, author, comic enthusiast, and geek about visual design/video games/Japan/human rights. Among other things!

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