Tag Archives: rambling

I Want to Enjoy Life

Photo of wild blackberries in different ripening stages

Sitting in the grass, not itching, just vibing. Drawing from life. Studying the dimples in my friend’s face. Recalling all the times I laughed so hard my chest hurt. Thinking of the friends who did that to me. Noticing the details of art that are usually glossed over.

Adventures in Autism ~Autistic Reflections~ Volume 1

A long time ago, in Algebra II — the same year that 9/11 happened — I curiously asked my teacher a question without any hint of malice: “Why don’t you teach everything in the book? Why only bits and pieces?” What I was wondering was why we didn’t go through the entire book sequentially. The […]

On Writing About Japan

I had wanted to write some kind of uncategorizable blather here for quite some time, some of my feelings on Japan and why I’ve been updating this blog so little. Hopefully the following doesn’t sound like some kind of mish-mash dribble that makes no sense, nor sounds like something just anybody could say. Slow Around […]