A few weeks ago, I saw two baby birds in my yard in the same day. The first one was in one of the flower pots in the back…
Not pictured: I saw the mother fly down to it there and feed it a worm. Sweet! I took this picture from inside my garage, since I didn’t want to get close enough to scare it off (or be attacked).
Later that day, I saw another baby bird in the front yard, just kind of sitting there:
It looked at me for a long time.
For a moment I thought it was the same as the bird I saw earlier, but it’s fuzzier and differently colored. It struck me as younger, too. I think I could hear its mother hovering around, so I didn’t get too close to this one, either.
Both of them were gone later in the day, I hope to safer places. I know there are neighborhood cats that’ll occasionally prowl my yard… It may be the nature of things, but I want these sweet babies to have their fair chance.