
Meta Knight from the Kirby series

This post was originally written by my good friend, Carolyn Neely!

Hiya guys! I’m Carolyn, and I suck at introductions! So now that that’s out of the way, I’m going to talk about bento. Specifically, kyaraben (or charaben), which is short for ‘character bento.’ This is a style of bento box where the ingredients are elaborately arranged to create characters or designs, in order to entertain children and get them to eat their food.
I might not be a child, but I still love these adorable bento boxes. They come in all shapes and sizes, and are usually very nutritious! Here are just a few totally awesome ones from Anna the Red.

JiJi from Kiki's Delivery Service
Jiji in his Cage
Meta Knight from the Kirby series
A really awesome Meta Knight!
Almost too cute to eat!
Such an adorable giraffe!

Designer, artist, author, comic enthusiast, and geek about visual design/video games/Japan/human rights. Among other things!

One Reply to “Kyaraben”

  1. Jessica Cantlope says:

    If those are intended to get kids to eat, it totally wouldn’t have worked with me. I…it’s just too pretty. I couldn’t destroy such meticulous beauty with my teeth. (I Googled kyaraben. SO MUCH AWESOME)

    I should learn to make one some day when I get extra bored. Maybe of my own characters. Ha!