Weekends With Dad

Blog template (re)design for Weekends With Dad.

A website I originally designed a few years back, it was overhauled at the end of last year. Among many updates to functionality — custom menus, backgrounds, more and update widgetized areas, editor styles, etc. — the website was also made responsive after a request for a mobile app. Notably, it retains a degree of responsive functionality in older versions of IE.



Along with this updated look, I also helped the client develop a press kit with various marketing materials, as well as updating the stacked version of the logo (seen on the homepage).

The previous iteration of the website, which went up in 2010, had been built using WordPress 2.0, prior to some of the current web and WordPress standards and trends had been developed:


With a newer and more thorough WordPress implementation, including the implementation of SEO plugins and training on blog post best practices, the website has been prepped for a wider spread.

Designer, artist, author, comic enthusiast, and geek about visual design/video games/Japan/human rights. Among other things!

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