Phoenix Fire Gauntlet

The My Brother, My Brother, and Me and The Adventure Zone shows here in Nashville are already old news, as they happened back in my birth month of October, but they linger as special events for me! It is there that I debuted my Lup cosplay, seen above.

For this, I made a Phoenix Fire Gauntlet (now unfortunately destroyed) out of foil paper and superglue! It looked great! Unfortunately, this was before I had a decent way to take pictures of it, so you’ll have to use your imagination based on the following images:

Me with another Lup cosplayer… Lup Power!
This whole process almost made me want to get into puppetry…

A few things I learned while making this:

  • Foil paper will get REALLY hot when you press down on it with superglue. Or at least it will produce the sensation of burning. (Appropriate?)
  • Superglue will SUPER stick through anything thin, and even a few thicker things. And will stay on your hands for days. And will ruin your yoga mat.

Also, I confirmed that the local McElboy fandom is as nice and chill as you would expect! You should check out some of the other photos I was able to get!

I need to remake this prop (perhaps out of sturdier paper this time) for the upcoming MTAC. Catch me that weekend as Lup, Inkling Girl, and Jyushimatsu (or Ichimatsu — haven’t decided yet)!

I’ll be posting more about casual cosplay as I get more photos — and more crafty!

Designer, artist, author, comic enthusiast, and geek about visual design/video games/Japan/human rights. Among other things!

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