Whoa! 2022’s almost over already?!
Well, a lot did happen this year, and I figure I owe anyone reading this an update. For example, I moved! I wasn’t originally planning on doing that even as recently as my last post, but it just sort of came together suddenly. What I had actually planned to do around this time was undergo surgery (nothing serious), so both these things happened within weeks of each other. Wild, huh?
It’s all been great for my mental health, but I’m more tired than ever. Hopefully springtime will give me the energy I need to be creative again, and winter will give me some time to catch up on sleep. (As if.)
Until then, you might see me as “Miluette” in Splatoon 3 or running around Monster Hunter Rise! Hopefully by the time I’ve completely thawed out, I’ll have recouped moving costs and purchased a zine-making printer. Now with a dedicated craft space, I could be unstoppable!