Am I a Model Now?

From this photo, it almost looks so! New friend Erin Morgan took these with my phone, a Pixel 7. She staged and posed me, and it really worked out! It makes it look like I’m capable of posing casually for a photoshoot!

It helps that I’m wearing one of my favorite shirts in this set. That even makes up for my hair being styled different from the usual that day (or rather, unstyled) — “femme Mr. T,” as they put it.

I’m reminded of this photo my friend Cáti Muñiz took of me candidly last year:

I just love being in nature! I should do it more. Maybe that’s where I become a model…

Bonus photo: this close-up of one of the yellow flowers that I took, because you know I love me some macro photography.

Designer, artist, author, comic enthusiast, and geek about visual design/video games/Japan/human rights. Among other things!

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